Analysis Tools
Use MLS' easy-to-use analysis tools
to wow your clients by getting them
more with every buy.
Plan Across All Media
Evaluate your options from TV and OOH to print and digital — all in one platform.
One-on-One Support
You will have free, unlimited one-on-one training and support with an agency buyer who uses the system every day.
Save Time
Speed up your process by importing avails, automatically checking invoices, and utilizing our make-good tracking system, our first of its kind.
Digital Integration
Compare your digital options along the same terms as your traditional buys for a better, more coordinated budget.
Flexible Reporting
Take your complex web of options and show your clients the information they care about most with ease. With Media Link Software, opacity is a thing of the past.
MLS has always focused on assisting deep analysis and negotiation for buyers. Now with MLS 2.0 that process is faster and more flexible than ever before.
Campaign Management
Communicate your ongoing success through MLS 2.0's flexible ordering and reporting tools.
Post Flight
Upload and auto-check your invoices then easily track the progress of your make goods.