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Media Buying Software from MediaLink Software

The Big Push to Complete Annuals Before the Holiday Season

It’s that time of year where agencies are trying to get all of their annuals negotiated and placed before the craziness of the holiday season. Media Link Software offers many time saving tricks to help move the buying process along and to help create efficient reports for clients.

Multi Media Reports – You know as well as I do that not all advertising works in a vacuum. Our Cross-Media report creates an overview of a client’s campaigns with their total Reach, Frequency, Spend, and GI’s for everything as a whole.

The report can be customized to only show results for media you select or show only the results from select vendors you choose.

Importing in Broadcast Avails – Building a broadcast television buy is a tedious process because of the negotiation and the details involved that have to be a part of this process. However, Media Link Software has the ability to electronically import avails into our system. Importing avails avoids human error and makes the process of adding avails so much quicker. We have made it possible to take avails in an Excel format from stations and with some quick reformatting, you can make them ready to upload into your campaign. This process of electronically importing avails has taken a process that took several hours down to around 30 minutes.

Exporting to Excel – Although we have several built-in customizable printable orders and reports, your company may use other forms of measurement. With Media Link Software™, you are able to export any table and save it as an Excel file.

If interested in seeing a demo of Media Link Software™ or for additional information please contact us at 207-212-5465 or