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Media Buying Software from MediaLink Software

Software Licenses – and why they truly matter

Circle Diagram Graphic

There are many benefits to purchasing software licenses over physical software products. Here are our top 4 reasons why we at Media Link Software® are taking advantage of this customer-centric approach to providing services: 1. Reliability Licensed software come with automated updates and patches. There is no need to constantly check for new versions and…

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Embracing the Political Window

"I Voted" Stickers

With our home office located in the Quad Cities, Media Link Software® is part of an Illinois/Iowa bi-state market. So, we have political windows more often throughout the year and our political advertising seems to be twice as much as in other parts of the Country. So, needless to say its impact on available ad…

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Evaluating OTT

Different Apps and Subscription Services

OTT advertising is now penetrating local markets to a substantial degree. So, what is OTT and how do you evaluate its virtues in comparison to other forms of media? Over the Top (OTT) Television is long form video content distributed through the internet and bypassing cable, satellite or broadcast transmission. It is distinct from both…

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Diversity of Media Buying

Street Sign That Says "Planning"

Since Media Link Software® entered the market in 2011, we have encountered a wide variety of different ways people plan their media buys.  So, in this blog, we would like to outline some of the basics about the different media buying philosophies. Programmatic Media Buying Programmatic advertising uses an element of automation to decide where…

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How to Compare Advertising Across Different Types of Media

What is more valuable: 10,000 individuals exposed to an ad three times, 100 clicks on an ad or 5 acquisitions? How do you reflect the value of these different metrics of advertising and compare them with each other? Evaluating Media by CPM (and explain what CPM is) Comparing media proposals by CPM or Cost Per…

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Gross Vs Net

Most agencies offering media buying services are paid on a percentage basis.  This means their customer pays the agency for the advertising schedule purchased and then the agency pays the advertising vendor the net cost of that schedule.  The amount that the agency keeps is many times referred to as a commission or fee and…

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How to Define Your Target Market

Without a properly defined target audience any attempt to effectively spend and evaluate an advertising budget becomes more of a guessing game than a strategy, which is why Media Link Software® is utilized by advertising professionals to get the most bang for the buck. The first questions you should be asking include; Who are my…

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How Do You Calculate Rating Points from Impressions?

Occasionally, media buyers are presented with circulation information outside of the format they need for a particular application. Both Gross Impressions (GI’s) and Gross Rating Points (GRP’s) are frequently used to compare different options against each other or to evaluate an entire advertising budget across multiple media types. Media Link Software™ (MLS) does use these…

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Shifting Advertising Landscape Pushes Marketers to New Platforms

As marketers and advertisers, we are always trying to find new ways to satisfy consumer demands with content that is relevant, engaging and delivers our desired message. The dawn of the internet and social media has given us access to consumers in a way completely unheard of only a few decades ago. Digital and social…

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3 Reasons to Use CPM When Buying Ad Space

CPM, or cost-per-thousand, is the price you pay for 1,000 impressions on a given platform. M is the Roman numeral for 1,000. CPM is one of the most common ways of buying media digitally, but it can also be used to buy from other channels or compare the cost of a campaign on an equal…

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