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Media Buying Software from MediaLink Software

Crafting Effective Data Visualizations in Presentations


When digging through data takes up so much of your time, it’s easy for data visualization to be an afterthought. But it plays a significant role in establishing trust, proving your value, and keeping your clients happy. Thankfully, all tables within Media Link Software® (MLS) can be exported into Excel, including vendor proposals/orders, summary orders reports, cross-media reports, full avails, monthly scheduling reports, and post-buy reconciliation reports.

People are more inclined to listen to what you have to say when they feel invested in a structured storyline. MLS reporting can help you use your data to craft a presentation that does not just present information, but also guides your client toward a truth or solution for a problem. Tailor your data visualization choices based on who you are presenting to and what they care about. Use tension strategically. Choose metrics which would resonate with your audience and leave out any fluff which would be distracting and take away from your core message. With MLS reporting you can present the information you need and leave out the rest by avoiding vanity metrics to save you and your clients time and hassle.

As an agency, it is crucial to ensure your clients trust you are presenting their data in an honest and ethical way. There are several subtle ways you can convey trust in your charts and with MLS reporting you know you are getting the core facts and trusted numbers to present to your customers. Successful data visualizations and presentations always keep your audience in mind. With MLS reports you will always be effective at proving your value to your clients.