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Media Buying Software from MediaLink Software

Make the Most of Outdoor Advertising

Summer is here. People are spending less time in front of screens, and more time outdoors. It’s the perfect time for many agencies to ramp up their outdoor advertising schedule, and Media Link Software® can help. The truth is outdoor advertising is an effective method throughout the year, not just in warmer months. The most…

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Making a Print Buy with Media Link Software® and The Publication Module

Person reading a newspaper - The publication module with Media Link Software logo

Print advertising is still an effective platform for media buys and can still stand toe-to-toe with newer forms of advertising. Over the years, print has gone through many changes due to the rise in technology and digital advertising. This has included more personalization, integration with digital media through QR codes and URLs, and a shift…

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But How Do I Make a Radio Buy? An Introduction to The Radio Module with Media Link Software®

Header Image: Microphone with radio waves, The Radio Module

The Radio Module is a powerful tool used to reach a large and diverse audience. This medium has a broad listenership across different demographics, including age, gender, and socio-economic status. Radio advertising offers several advantages, such as cost-effectiveness, immediacy, and flexibility in targeting specific genres through different stations, programs, and time slots. It can also…

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What’s New in OTT and Streaming?

It’s no secret that Netflix has had its share of financial woes in recent months. They were the first and biggest streamer to hit the market and were dominant for many years. Yet, as other streamers such as Hulu, HBO Max, and Disney+ have come to market, Netflix has been losing subscribers. So, they’re looking…

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Take Back Your Time with MLS Formulas

“Time Is Money.” We’ve all heard this phrase written by Benjamin Franklin when he first coined the aphorism in his essay “Advice to a Young Tradesman.” It’s a truth that still rings true today, and one we often forget. Many of us try to do too many things. Sure, if you have a mechanical aptitude,…

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Diversity of Media Buying

Street Sign That Says "Planning"

Since Media Link Software® entered the market in 2011, we have encountered a wide variety of different ways people plan their media buys.  So, in this blog, we would like to outline some of the basics about the different media buying philosophies. Programmatic Media Buying Programmatic advertising uses an element of automation to decide where…

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How to Compare Advertising Across Different Types of Media

What is more valuable: 10,000 individuals exposed to an ad three times, 100 clicks on an ad or 5 acquisitions? How do you reflect the value of these different metrics of advertising and compare them with each other? Evaluating Media by CPM (and explain what CPM is) Comparing media proposals by CPM or Cost Per…

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Gross Vs Net

Most agencies offering media buying services are paid on a percentage basis.  This means their customer pays the agency for the advertising schedule purchased and then the agency pays the advertising vendor the net cost of that schedule.  The amount that the agency keeps is many times referred to as a commission or fee and…

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How to Define Your Target Market

Without a properly defined target audience any attempt to effectively spend and evaluate an advertising budget becomes more of a guessing game than a strategy, which is why Media Link Software® is utilized by advertising professionals to get the most bang for the buck. The first questions you should be asking include; Who are my…

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3 Reasons to Use CPM When Buying Ad Space

CPM, or cost-per-thousand, is the price you pay for 1,000 impressions on a given platform. M is the Roman numeral for 1,000. CPM is one of the most common ways of buying media digitally, but it can also be used to buy from other channels or compare the cost of a campaign on an equal…

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