Explaining the Cross Media Report
According to businessdictionary.com, a report is a document containing information organized in a narrative, graphic, or tabular form, prepared on ad hoc, periodic, recurring, regular, or as required basis. Reports may refer to specific periods, events, occurrences, or subjects, and may be communicated or presented in oral or written form.
At Media Link Software, we understand how important accurate and comprehensive reporting is for both you and your clients. Here is an explanation of our reporting tools, so you have a better understanding of how our software can work to your advantage.
The Cross-Media Report Tab evaluates all media for a client’s total marketing campaign. You are able to view the entire campaign for every medium used and see the individual and total reach, frequency, cost per thousand, gross ratings points, gross impressions, spots and cost. The report can be customized to only show results for media you select or show only the results from select vendors you choose.