Embrace the Unforeseeable
There is no doubt a vast majority of media buyers must like the rush and volatility of the media world. It is a constant challenge reminding us to always stay up to date with recent developments and to critically observe them.
This doesn’t only apply to the digital realm as so many claim; there is much volatility and progress in traditional media as well. Sinclair Broadcast Group, the top dog of local television, just announced a merger with Tribune Media for $3.9 billion. According to the Pew Research Center, the majority of adults in the US are still getting their news from TV. Consequently, this development will further consolidate the market. How will this affect media buyers? Read more here.
Cable news is actually up in overall revenue. For Instance, in April MSNBC saw a 63% spike in its revenue. We will also soon experience how the passing of Roger Ailes will impact the Fox Television Station Group.
Some elements of the digital market suffered from recent scandals and lost revenue in return. This is a development most people wouldn’t have expected a couple of months ago, but it might rebound quickly (source).
All of these developments are only snapshots taken within the last few weeks. Undoubtedly, the media market is influenced by dozens of factors, including itself, so let’s embrace the unforeseeable and enjoy the ride!