Making a Print Buy with Media Link Software® and The Publication Module
Print advertising is still an effective platform for media buys and can still stand toe-to-toe with newer forms of advertising. Over the years, print has gone through many changes due to the rise in technology and digital advertising. This has included more personalization, integration with digital media through QR codes and URLs, and a shift to focus on more niche publications that allow advertisers to target more specific audiences. Print can be easily used to reach a specific audience based on their interests, demographics, and location. Print ads can also have more longevity compared to digital ads as they are tangible and can be kept for reference. That is why Media Link Software’s® (MLS) has put the same amount of thought into its Publication Module as it has for other advertising platforms.

So, what is it about MLS’s Publication Module that makes it stand out from the rest? Our publication module is one of many powerful media buying tools you can add to your toolkit. As always, the goal of making a media buy is to reach a specific target audience in a cost-effective manner to achieve your desired advertising goals. But how do you know which buy to choose? MLS’s Publication Module makes it simple and allows you to cross-compare your buys side-by-side to get the most bang for your buck out of your print buys.
Our system with MLS has been created with buyers in mind which is why ease of use plays such a big part in our software. The beauty of Media Link Software® is that it is designed to be user-friendly. Like our other Modules, the Publication Module will guide you through your media buy from inputting information to creating proposals. Because the modules are similar, MLS is extremely easy to learn and use. Unlike software packages of the past where you might have to re-enter the same information for a publication over and over despite having entered it before, MLS will remember your publications and their components, so you don’t have to waste time referring back to pricing, sizing, or color information. If you input it once, MLS will keep track of it for you. This allows you to move quickly through the media buying process to save you time while also saving you money.
Once you have all the information for your buys entered, it is just a matter of comparing them against one another. MLS will auto-calculate the individual and overall CPP, reach, frequency, and more. Then line all this information up in a way that makes it easy for you to analyze them all at once. This comparison allows you to take the guesswork out of the buying process and make the best publication buys for your business.