What are Specialty Buys in Media Link Software®?
Another key feature which sets Media Link Software® apart from other media planning and buying platforms is the Specialty module. This module is unique, because it’s not tied to metrics such as demographics. Yet, it’s a module to tie in how an agency works. Agencies and media buyers utilize all forms of advertising, specialty items are not different. These specialty buys (also called promotional items) are any item you use to promote a business, such as t-shirts, branded pens or even catered cupcakes.
Specialty is Everything You Can Imagine
Well, perhaps not everything. The Specialty module can’t help you place an ad buy on the moons of Saturn. But if your agency, or an in-house buyer, making sure your branded at the next event you attend is vital. Passing out swag like stress balls, t-shirts, coffee mugs, and snacks sticks with people and ensuring you have the right tools to compare what to purchase and how to specify your order is where Media Link Software® has you covered.

Why Use the Specialty Module?
Do you need to use the Specialty Module to place this kind of order? No, absolutely not. Many times, these kinds of ad hoc orders are done on the fly in preparation for an event or occasion. You could simply go to a vendor website to place an order. However, placing specialty buys within Media Link Software® helps keep track of those orders within the same system where you place all your media buys. The next time you need to place an order for a specialty item such as t-shirts, the vendor information, prices, timeframes, and other details will already be established within the module. Using it makes all your future specialty buys easier and more efficient.
The Specialty Module is particularly useful when placing these kinds of buys for clients. It makes billing and creating reports for clients simpler, yet also more robust.
The Specialty Module is Unique to Media Link Software®
The Specialty Module is a prime example of why software designed by professionals who use it on a daily basis can look starkly different from other software. Our company was built out of necessity by an ad agency when we couldn’t find media buying software that worked the way we work in our office. The Specialty feature is a prime example of this difference. To find out more, please email us at webinars@medialinksoftware.com. We’re happy to share how our software works and find out if this is a fit for your company.