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Media Buying Software from MediaLink Software

Essential Learning with Media Link Software™

This month we’re shining light on Augustana College, which is a private liberal arts college located near the Mississippi River in Rock Island, Illinois.

In 2012, Media Link Software™ donated a license to the college to help their marketing students learn more about how a media buy is put together and evaluated.  “We average about a half dozen interns a year at our company and very few of them know what the terms we use mean and how they interact with each other.  I felt it was important to have this tool available to help more students understand these basic fundamentals of our field,” says Natalie Linville-Mass, President of Media Link Software™.

Recently, Linville – Mass had the chance to teach a class showing the students an overview of Media Link Software™.  The students were divided into three groups, assigned a client, and then challenged to see who could create the best TV buy.  To build the campaigns students had to use reach, frequency, CPP (cost per point), and a strict budget while trying to create the winning campaign.

“It was great seeing the students so positive,” said Nadia Novotorova, PH.D, who is the Assistant Professor of Marketing at Augustana College. “The students liked it and it was a great way to get them excited about learning these terms.”

Each group rose to the occasion producing outstanding campaigns. All the students stayed within the budget and came up with unique strategies. One group didn’t even use the whole budget, but found a way to build upon their reach and frequency.

Linville-Mass has been working very closely with Professor Novotorova to ensure these students practice and are able to achieve results when using Media Link Software™. “Natalie has contributed so much to Augustana College and we want to thank her for everything she has done,” mentioned Novotorova, PH.D.

If you’re interested in learning more about Media Link Software™  or the student’s experiments feel free to contact us at 207-212-5465 or