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Media Buying Software from MediaLink Software

Media Link Software™ is celebrating its 5th anniversary!

Media Link Software™ was born out of a need – the need for a platform enabling buyers to professionally compare media across the board to develop sophisticated multi-media campaigns.

Natalie Linville-Mass, a dedicated advertising professional, took on this challenge after experiencing plenty of frustration with established media buying software systems in the market. “As with most advertising buyers, we need a software to be able to compare, plan and buy for all media,” Natalie stressed.

She was right! A dedicated team consisting of media buyers and IT specialists came together and developed a groundbreaking software considering the media buyer’s perspective and need. 2011 marked the foundation of Media Link Software™.

Media Link Software™ experienced plenty of changes over the years thanks to dedicated clients across the nation who shared their thoughts with us. We consistently improved the system and added functions to keep up with a rapidly changing media landscape. Our team breaths change; we love to disrupt the industry and challenge our competitors by listening to our clients and constantly adapting to best practices. Media Link Software™ is a software made by media buying professionals for media buying professionals. Media Link Software™ is team work!

We would like to thank our employees and clients for contributing towards our success. We couldn’t have done it without you!