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Media Buying Software from MediaLink Software

Streamline Your Digital Buys with Media Link Software®

We understand media buying requires precision, efficiency, and seamless integration across various platforms. Media Link Software ® is changing the game in the digital landscape, offering a digital module to help media buyers plan, execute, and analyze their digital buys. With these different digital functionalities, our software provides media professionals with an easy way to…

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Streamline Your Cable Advertising Experience with Media Link Software®

The Cable Module

Cable advertising is a great option for those looking to reach a specific geo-targeted audience. This media outlet is typically targeted to specific demographic groups based on age, gender, location, and viewing habits. This allows businesses to tailor their advertising messages to the audiences who are more likely to be interested in their products or…

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How to Compare Advertising Across Different Types of Media

What is more valuable: 10,000 individuals exposed to an ad three times, 100 clicks on an ad or 5 acquisitions? How do you reflect the value of these different metrics of advertising and compare them with each other? Evaluating Media by CPM (and explain what CPM is) Comparing media proposals by CPM or Cost Per…

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Gross Vs Net

Most agencies offering media buying services are paid on a percentage basis.  This means their customer pays the agency for the advertising schedule purchased and then the agency pays the advertising vendor the net cost of that schedule.  The amount that the agency keeps is many times referred to as a commission or fee and…

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