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Media Buying Software from MediaLink Software

Uploading Avails

Building a broadcast television buy is a tedious process because of the negotiation and the details involved that have to be a part of this process. However, we’ve just developed another way to speed this process up for the buyer. Media Link Software now has the ability to electronically import avails into our system. Importing avails avoids human error and makes the process of adding avails so much quicker.

We have made it possible to take avails in an Excel format from the stations you’re considering for a buy and with some quick reformatting, you can make them ready to upload into your campaign. This process of electronically importing avails has taken a process that took several hours down to around 30 minutes. Our subscribers are excited about this development and we have received overwhelmingly positive comments during demonstration webinars from potential subscribers. Call us today to find out how to make your process easier and more accurate.