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Media Buying Software from MediaLink Software

Streamline Your Cable Advertising Experience with Media Link Software®

The Cable Module

Cable advertising is a great option for those looking to reach a specific geo-targeted audience. This media outlet is typically targeted to specific demographic groups based on age, gender, location, and viewing habits. This allows businesses to tailor their advertising messages to the audiences who are more likely to be interested in their products or…

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We Listen

We all know the feeling when your software just doesn’t want to do what you need it to do. The entire issue can probably be solved with a simple fix, but how do you make a corporation realize that? And that’s how Media Link Software® is different! We listen to our users and strive to…

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New Feature: Post-Buy Analysis

You invest numerous hours in planning a sophisticated multi-media campaign and even more when it comes to organizing the buys. You see the campaign starting, observe results and celebrate its last day. Now it’s time for the post-buy analysis. Many media buyers are overwhelmed by the amount of data they need to process for this…

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Agency Discount Rates

Amongst Media Link Software’s® more recent updates was a remodeling of how the system handles agency commission/discount rates. Most media buyers that operate out of agencies are paid based upon the volume of the buys being placed rather than an hour fee. In turn, many vendors selling advertising space provide equivalent discounts to the agency.…

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Multi-platform Reports

Earlier this year, we talked about how transparency and documentation reduce mistakes and create trust necessary for productive business relationships between agencies and clients, and agencies and vendors. Being able to create (multi-platform) reports becomes essential in this regard, which is why Media Link Software™ allows you to download and print a variety of reports.  …

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Custom Markets

Media buyers who subscribe to ratings services like Nielsen know those subscriptions come attached with a pretty hefty price tag. Coupled with license fees for media buying software, purchasing multiple markets can quickly become an overwhelming annual expense. Most smaller to mid-size agencies simply don’t have the extra funds available to justify such an expenditure,…

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Customization Options in Media Link Software

Once your company signs a license agreement for a subscription to our software, you will enjoy the ability to customize the software to your agency’s needs.    Under the vendors tab, you are able to input all of your vendors.  This includes TV stations, radio stations, outdoor billboard companies and internet sites.  Once this information is…

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Creating Custom Markets

Media buyers who subscribe to ratings services like Nielsen and Arbitron know those subscriptions come attached with a pretty hefty price tag.  Coupled with license fees for media buying software, purchasing multiple markets can quickly become an overwhelming annual expense.  Most smaller to mid-size agencies simply don’t have the extra funds available to justify such…

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